Ad Vitam, the Grand Adventure of the Paris Foreign Missions Society in Asia

May 28, 2006 - Society


Since the seventeenth century, the Paris Foreign Missions Society (MEP) has been sending priests to the Far East, both Asian and the Indian sub-content, in the name of the gospel.

From generation to generation, the Society's missionaries have taken part in an amazing adventure: a human, cultural and religious journey that gave birth to the churches of Asia.

Today, and amid widely varying socio-political and religious contexts—both Buddhist and Confucian countries, industrialised and developing nations—the Society's priests carry on with the work of the first missionaries, started three hundred and fifty years ago: as the bearers of the good news, clearing the way into new territories, as spiritual instructors and through communal involvement, they are writing the story of the universal church in Asia.


Production :

CC&C, MEP, KTO, in association with 3 Frères

Broadcaster :


Format :

90 minutes, colours, HD

Distribution :

10 Francs, MEP

Directors :

Josselin Charier, Emmanuel François-Sappey

Authors :

Josselin Charier, Emmanuel François-Sappey