History of aviation, the famous documentary series directed by Daniel Costelle and René-Jean Bouyer, has recently been modernised thanks to the expertise of the CC&C teams. After its release in France last year, a short version in two episodes is being delivered internationally. First broadcasts are expected at the end of the year in the Dutch-speaking regions!
Royals at War will be broadcast in two episodes on November 20 at 8.50 PM on the front page of RTBF and in January on Toute l'Histoire.
Learn moreLes Monarchies face à Hitler will be previewed on Saturday, October 10 at Les Rendez-vous de l'Histoire.
Learn moreOur documentalists Juliette Jung and Marie-Cécile Bouguet tell us more about their job in an exclusive interview for Archipop!
Learn moreFabien Lemaire's documentary, Mission COVID : au cœur du combat, will be broadcast on November 19 at 9 PM on Planète+ Aventure & Expérie...
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